The Star
By romanticized_pisces
  • Fantasy
  • angst
  • dragon
  • dwarves
  • elves
  • faeries
  • goblins
  • halflings
  • mermaids
  • romance
  • scars


Central in the country of Sky's End is the mysterious forest, the Star. None who've entered have ever been known to reemerge in its long history. Thus, the giant mass of trees is the greatest riddle, the ultimate secret. Amee is a noble lady in the city of Rosen. With impending nuptials to a, let's say, less than savory man, she runs into the Star's embrace. She knew only three truths: none left, there existed within magic beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and that sovereignty belonged to a "Wild King". In the Star, she becomes quickly entangled in its strange workings, from the political implications of different species to the inner turmoil of familial drama, and from a grand prophecy that promises immense power to the day-to-day dealing with a young, stubborn monarch. In the end, she is far more important to this place, and its many odd inhabitants, than any could have expected.

Chapter 1: She Sings to Dragons

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The Star
by romanticized_pisces