She's a Monste...
By GimmeYugyeomGot7
  • Fanfiction
  • autumn
  • bambam
  • charlie
  • fanfic
  • got7
  • jackson
  • jaebum
  • jaebumfanfic
  • jbfanfic
  • jinyoung
  • mark
  • shesamonster
  • youngjae
  • yugyeom
  • yunseo


She's a Monster follows the story of Yunseo, Youngjae's older sister, as she finds her way into Got7's dorm, company and life! She faces her own challenges in relationships with others, herself, and the things she loves. Yunseo is growing woman, constantly learning and growing, so I hope this is a story that stands out for my readers who may be doing the same! Of course in combination with GOT7, because let's face it, that's why you're here ;) This story progressed slower than Got7's career, so comebacks in the story are not at all recent lol please bear with me while I try to catch up to "current day" So the characters are made up. Obviously my own main characters, but Got7 members are their own people and cannot be represented accurately in this story. Nonetheless, be imaginative ;) I'd also like to make a point that Youngjae and Yunseo's parents are divorced in this story. This by no means hints that I wish divorce upon Youngjae's parents! That is the last thing I would want, that's just how it turned out as I wrote this. And their dad is a bit of a dick too, but this is not reality, and I do not believe Youngjae's dad is a dick... Just to clear up any possible misunderstandings! Finally, please enjoy! I know times are hard right now, and this is what I'm using for stress relief, so I hope reading this can provide you some sort of entertainment too! Thank you for all your support! :D Take care everyone! Claire


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by GimmeYugyeomGot7