'The Adventure...
By Jamestheotaku
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • magic


It has been 36 years since a group of heroes known as the 'Emerald Band' defeated the great demonic invasion which threatened to bring chaos to the world. While time has passed, old evils are stirring once more, and are threatening to once again bring death and destruction. The young mage George Redmont, the son of two former members of the Emerald Band, now wishes to follow his parents and become an adventurer. However, in the years since the Emerald Band disbanded, the title of 'adventurer' has been tarnished by the greedy, immoral, corrupt and evil. George meets up with the former knight of the Emerald Band, Sir Arthur Krowley, now an old man on his last legs, and the young Elven Ranger Alleria Oakheart, daughter of another member of the Emerald Band. Together, they will bring honour back to the name 'adventurer', and face the evils that are once again trying to bring chaos and destruction to the world once more.

Prologue: The Militia Captain

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by Jamestheotaku