2 People, 1 Story
By sinhyeyaa
  • Fanfiction
  • ateez
  • blackpink
  • bts
  • hybe
  • illit
  • jyp
  • kissoflife
  • kpop
  • kpopidols
  • kpoptrainee
  • leftout
  • newjeans
  • sment
  • straykids
  • twice
  • ygent


How does it feel to work for your dream for several years to only be left in the dust, while the people that you once stood on the same level as are now shining onstage? Have they forgotten you? Do they think you're not worth their time anymore? This is how Seowoo felt, as she was turned away after 7 years of training, watching her fellow trainees debut, smiles on their faces, as if they'd completely forgotten her. What happened to all those late nights spent training, sweat dripping on the floor? Those same girls who debuted in the new girl group Moonlight were the same girls who would comfort Seowoo and message her every night. But how about now? Now that they're stars and shining on stage, do they really care about the 7 other girls that were with them along the way? Now, they parted their own ways and never spoke again until one day...


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2 People...
by sinhyeyaa