The Battle of Thron...
By writemj
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • brokenfamily
  • darkacademia
  • darkromance
  • desi
  • desistory
  • destiny
  • elite
  • enemiestolovers
  • familyissues
  • familysecrets
  • friendship
  • hefallfirst
  • longlostdaughter
  • longlostsiblings
  • loyality
  • mafia
  • mafiaprincess
  • mysterious
  • painfulpast
  • powerstruggle
  • revenge
  • royal
  • royalfamily
  • royalty
  • strong-female-character


𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐀 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 π“π‘πž Battle 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐒𝐞𝐬' ΰ³ƒβ€βž·" what is wrong loving a devil as long the devil love you the way he loves hell ' In an esteemed Indian academy, Aisha Sharma's mysterious arrival disrupts the status quo, drawing attention from the elite. As hidden tensions between families surface, Aisha's guarded past is unveiled, revealing scars of betrayal and abandonment. Amidst the chaos, bonds of friendship, family strength, and the power of love to heal are tested. κ˜Žβ™‘β”β”β”β”β”β™‘κ˜Ž glimpse Vansh slammed Aisha against the wall, his gaze searing into hers with a mix of fury and longing. "I'd sooner tear out my own heart than ever admit even a hint of affection for you," he declared, his voice a low, taut thread barely holding back the storm within. Aisha's eyes blazed with defiance, unwavering as they met his. Her determination was like steel, unyielding. "And I'd rather suffer a lifetime of torment than let you bask in even a moment of peace in my presence," she retorted, her voice edged with fierce challenge. But as Vansh gazed into Aisha's eyes, a truth he fought to suppress gnawed at him. "If only you knew, Aisha... every beat of my heart defies me, echoing your name with a force I can't control," he thought, his resolve crumbling beneath the weight of unspoken feelings, his mind at war with the emotions surging within him. Aisha, sensing the turmoil in his gaze, felt a pang of the pain that had driven her to this moment. "Beware, Vansh," she vowed silently, the memory of betrayal fueling her resolve. "You may think you're in control, but you're merely a pawn in the web of vengeance I've spun." Her heart ached with the loss she remembered, but she masked it with the cold determination of a woman set on reclaiming what was hers. ΰ³ƒβ€βž·"For friendship that overcomes rivalry, family that endures betrayal, and love that mends.

✦❘༻Disclaimer ༺❘✦

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The Battl...
by writemj