A Brotherly Bond
By LixxieTilly
  • Fantasy
  • animals
  • asexual
  • bond
  • brotherlylove
  • gay
  • justice
  • lesbian
  • lgbt


At the age of ten, children are entrusted with an animal that will develop with him or her, until death. The choice of the animal depends on the behavior of the child. Quiet children will have docile animals, while the wild ones will have wild animals and sometimes even dangerous if not taken in the right direction. Due to a sorting error, Liam, a shy and taciturn child, is entrusted with a highly dangerous animal: a dragon. However, out of all predictions, Liam and the dragon, a female he calls Olivia, develop a strong friendship despite their differences. The years pass and Liam turns eighteen. The Animal Sorting Office (ASO for short) decides to recall Olivia's custody from Liam and give it to a child who has the same temperament as the dragon. Liam, who has formed a visceral relationship with Olivia, decides, with his friends, Emma, Charlotte, Noah, Oliver, Amelia and James, to create a plan for Olivia to stay with Liam, with the complicity of the guys' animals.


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A Brother...
by LixxieTilly