Gods wife
By LaChoicy
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • action
  • current
  • divorce
  • drama
  • homestuck
  • learning
  • mindless
  • mysterious
  • name
  • original
  • poor
  • powers
  • review
  • transformers
  • typical
  • urban
  • warning
  • wicked


"Barisele caught her husband, Nkem cheating and went to tell her father, Mike, who had talked her into marrying Nkem, that she is considering a divorce. She mentioned that her husband not only cheats but also beats her up. Her father warned her not to dare think about it, not because he cares about his daughter, but because of the money Nkem always sends him. Barisele's happiness wasn't as important to Mike as what he gains from Nkem, so he will do anything to keep her in the marriage, not minding to know what Nkem 's source of wealth is. However, things never remained the same, as Barisele chose to dedicate all her life to God, vowing to expose her husband's secrets." even if it cost her, her life. "thing got tougher as they already had two children together named Ethan and Emily, who never liked each other. Emily was on her dad's side, and Ethan was on his mum's side. It became more of a fight between light and darkness."

I Couldn't Help But Gasp In Astonishment

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Gods wife
by LaChoicy