Finally got your wi...
By Not-Just-A-Bitch
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • bsd
  • bungostraydogs
  • chuuyanakahara
  • dazaiosamu
  • gayasf
  • nakaharachuuya
  • osamudazai
  • soukoku
  • soukokuangst
  • suicide


Chuuya broke down the door to Dazai's apartment, having not heard from him in a while. As much as he hated to admit it, he cared for Dazai. Like, a LOT. But when one day he finds it a bit too quiet, he decides to check up on Dazai. After calling him, yelling his name, banging on the door, he gave up and decided to break it down. There, he found Dazai hung up by the neck from a rope and a note on the floor, in Dazai's handwriting. "Oh chibikko, you'd be the first to find me after you realise somethinG's wrong. Would you dO me a favour and Tell the agency? Make sure Atsushi and Akutagawa dOn't fight so much for me, would you? And As for you, eveNtually, I'm sure the Grief would pass Over time. best of wishes, Osamu Dazai."

Haha c o n t e x t (but it's lazy)

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Finally g...
by Not-Just-A-Bitch