Half-Divine Interve...
By Skyler_Sunnyskies
  • Fanfiction
  • crossover
  • crossoverfanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • fiction
  • percyjackson
  • percyjacksonandtheolympians
  • pjo
  • pjo×ror
  • recordofragnarok
  • ror
  • shuumatsunovalkyrie
  • snv


☆~ DISCLAIMER ~ ☆ - If you are only a ROR fan and don't know anything about Percy Jackson, feel free to still read this. Just beware that the Percy Jackson storyline and characters in this fanfiction have a MAJOR canon divergance, and are far from cannon to the actual storyline. But this still may contain major and minor spoilers regarding the series. 🌊⚡💀☀️📖🔮🔥🗡💄👟🌌⏳ The valkyries got obliterated by the gods. Killed mercilessly because the deities decided to break the rules and end Ragnarok right then and there. So obviously, the human fighters met the same fate as their volundr's. Because of that, humanity went extinct. End of story! Except one thing said above wasn't true. Everyone believed humanities fighters were dead. Gone. Perished. But the eldest valkyrie had sent them off to another realm with her last dying breath. She had saved them before they could've been killed, unbeknownst to the gods. So now humanities fighters must discover a way to defeat the gods. To kill them, once and for all. It was simply another motive to add upon their existing ones. Another reason to hate them, and righteously so. Though determination can make things possible, it doesn't succeed all the time. Which is why they were so fortunate to be supplied with some divine intervention. Or half-divine intervention, if you will... 🌊⚡💀☀️📖🔮🔥🗡💄👟🌌⏳ ☆ PJO x ROR fanfiction ☆ Major canon divergance ☆ Major and minor spoilers to both series' 🌊⚡💀☀️📖🔮🔥🗡💄👟🌌⏳ "ℌ𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔥𝔞𝔰 𝔦𝔱'𝔰 𝔢𝔶𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲..." Περσεύς Ναταλία Νικολό Γουλιέλμος Η Άναμπεθ Ίθαν Λεωνίδας Χλαρησσε Αυλητής Η Ρέινα Αικατερίνη Θωμάς

°Disclaimers and Explanations°

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by Skyler_Sunnyskies