Bee Family [TFP x R...
By CalicoCoCali
  • Fanfiction
  • airachnid
  • allspark
  • arcee
  • breakdown
  • bulkhead
  • bumblebee
  • death
  • dreadwing
  • fighting
  • fights
  • knockout
  • love
  • megatron
  • optimus
  • primus
  • ratchet
  • shockwave
  • spark
  • starscream
  • tfp
  • transformers
  • transformersprime
  • ultramagnus
  • unicron
  • wheeljack


During the Golden Age of Cybertron, there was a well known gladiator, Megatronous. Throughout his years in the gladiatorial ring, he always saw a small sparkling in the seats watching him and cheering him on. This sparkling was Trigona. Trigona, the sister of Bumblebee, was a sweet sparkling. She was very energetic and adventurous. If there was one thing she could do, it would be to fight along side her idol, Megatronous. During one of his fights, Trigona had to use the restroom and was bumped and fell into the gladiatorial ring. All the Cybertronians saw this and began to freak out. Megatronous saw her fall and was in the middle of his battle but when he was able to shove his opponent away, he ran over to her and picked her up. His opponent came back. He held her as he fought until he won the battle. When he did, he raised his arm in victory and then raised Trigona in the air. The audience cheered. Even since that moment, in Trigona's life, she's trained and worked hard to become the next gladiator. She wants to follow in her idol's footsteps. But as she gets older, she must choose a side; Her brother, or her idol.

Trigona Bio

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Bee Famil...
by CalicoCoCali