Synthwave Slasher
By Uncle-Death-Prime
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • fiction
  • horror
  • horrorfiction
  • iamrunningoutoftags
  • modern
  • mystery-thriller
  • whatamidoingwithmylife
  • wip
  • workinprogress


"Howdy folks, welcome to VAL radio, where we have killer beats and a killer host! I am your host, Dutch Campbell. Unfortunately, I am gonna start our day off on a sour note. You all probably know about the bodies that have been popping up around town, right? Well, apparently, the police are beginning to think they were victims of a murderer. It is a terrifying thought to think there is a wolf among us. All though there is no confirmed killer, some folks are already beginning to speculate. Now, I don't wanna put people on edge, but I would avoid any jackhole wearing a mask, just a suggestion. Heh. In other news, Carnim high school student Francis Numen recently won the Valarian national writing competition. Hats off, kid! I'll stop blabbering on now. Stay safe, everyone. Here is "Death in the Valley." By Yerius." Follow me, like the thing, you know the whole spiel. The point is, stick around for more, and I will think you are pretty cool.

Foolhardy Endeavor

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by Uncle-Death-Prime