The Run Away
By Aby_and_Kendyl
  • Teen Fiction
  • abusivemother
  • bexley
  • famous
  • loneliness
  • notcompleted
  • pity
  • runaway
  • undiscovered
  • unlovedgirl


I was abused by my mother. I was okay with my brother, he stood up for me but it didn't feel right. My father was a billionaire that everyone knew, he had the 'perfect' family to everyone that personally didn't know us. We were far from perfect. My dad was a workaholic that didn't have time for his family. My brother was a player, football player and had problems keeping his hands to himself, he was even charged with rape, but Dad bought that record away, my mother was an abusive alcoholic, that had problems with spending money, and I was an abused seventeen year old, that had emotional problems, only my brother would stand up for me. I don't think anyone will miss me. Why should they, I only had one friend, but he was killed in a car accident last month. * Bexley Perkens had a 'perfect' life as some would say from the outside. She was far from perfect, no body loved and she new it, she knew that her mother and brother hated her and her father wasn't in her life enough to call her a daughter. A punch across - that caused a black eye, swollen face and fat lip for a month - was enough, she had enough. So she ran away. Everyone knew the story of her, the true story, they pitied her. They all knew the run away. She was the Run Away everyone knew....

The Run Away - Prologue

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The Run A...
by Aby_and_Kendyl