"Somewhere Dow...
By Rainbowraccoon
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • action
  • adventure
  • drama
  • high
  • kidnapping
  • romance
  • school
  • teenagers
  • thriller
  • youth


What if you were just taking your usual route to school each day and suddenly you are kidnapped and your whole life changes in those very seconds? What would anyone want to do with a quiet, obedient teenager? And most of all, why specifically that person? Claire Evans is a sixteen year old sophomore in high school who tries her hardest to be strong and simply grin and bear the remaining years of school whilst also putting up with her family and their strange antics. When she is kidnapped suddenly on her way to school, Claire finds herself in a fight for survival from a strange person that somehow saw her as the perfect victim for what may be a gruesome murder that was being plotted. Claire may not see her life as the best thing ever but she won't die at the hands of a crazed maniac, and she wants to escape by any means necessary, even if that means having to possibly put her attacker to rest. Forever. This is my very first story I'm publishing on Wattpad. I guess you could classify this as a thriiller/mystery with small bits of humor thrown around here and there. It's not yet completed though, I would -love- feedback on what I have here so far!

"Somewhere Down the Path"

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by Rainbowraccoon