Black pearl of the...
By ColeenBagaan
  • Adventure
  • angst
  • blackpearlofthearchipelago
  • darkfantasy
  • darklove
  • darkmagic
  • filipinopinoteenfiction
  • funnydarkhumor
  • lgbtfiction
  • transmigrator


Albedo Perla a Filipino transmigrator woke up in a fantasy Europe world where humanity was on the brink of the fight for the fittest humans and fantasy. Andres Hunter a fictional character who was the bottom of the story a character fated to loose everything has a secret he could read minds and when he was bought by Albedo he found warmth within the transmigrators arms and swore loyalty to his master. More characters came with problems of their own and they became the center of the books story. Albedo has the key to the stories flow and must survive either becoming more powerful for knowledge, strength, recourses, allies and etc. he mustn't loose his humanity to a cruel world that covered itself with a bubble ready to be popped.

Prologue Starting point of the threads

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Black pea...
by ColeenBagaan