Echoes of Analog: S...
By World_of_friction
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • hate
  • love
  • mudermystery
  • mysterious
  • pandya
  • raavi
  • shiva
  • shivi
  • store
  • sweet
  • thriller


In the heart of Pandya, amidst the ancient walls of a forgotten mansion, Shiva and Raavi stumble upon a hidden treasure - a mysterious Walkman, its gears and dials humming with untold power. Drawn by curiosity and the promise of adventure, they embark on a journey that transcends the bounds of time itself. As they navigate the past and future, they encounter echoes of their own lives intertwined with historical events and distant civilizations. From the bustling streets of ancient civilizations to the far reaches of the future, Shiva and Raavi must unravel the mysteries of the Walkman and confront the consequences of their actions. But as they journey deeper into the fabric of time, they discover that their bond is the key to unlocking the true power of the walkmen. With each leap through time, they uncover hidden truths about themselves and the world around them, forging a connection that transcends the ages. But with great power comes great danger, and they soon find themselves pursued by forces determined to harness the walkmen for their own nefarious purposes. To protect themselves and the fabric of time itself, Shiva and Raavi must rely on their courage, wit, and love for each other.

Chapter 1: Echoes of Tragedy

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Echoes of...
by World_of_friction