Fallen Angels
By APandEG
  • Fantasy
  • angel
  • angelofdeath
  • babydaddy
  • breakup
  • demons
  • devil
  • exciting
  • hatelove
  • jealousy
  • kinky
  • love
  • lovetriangle
  • lucifer
  • newbook
  • she-devil


In the world they lived in, the angels and devils knew the rules. They couldn't be around each other, they couldn't have any type of interactions, and most certainly, they can't have any type of relationship. But, we all know there is always that group of people who break those rules in one way or another. Well, in this story, every rule has been broken... The angels and devils both went to school in the same area, just had to be segregated by their identities. There were classrooms for angels and classrooms for devils, nowhere near each other. They all had similar classes, after-school activities, pep rallies, etc... But, nothing happened at the same time. School for the angels was early morning, while the devils had school late at night; this made it harder to meet up. The world could keep them apart, but in between the times they went to school, they had to get ready for the other students, so there were two hours in between the school hours. So there would be enough time for the students who just got out of school to leave, and for the teachers to leave for the other teacher to enter the building. It was a crazy world, it was hectic, it was awful, the world having to be kept apart from the others that are different from each other. Now was this necessary, in my opinion no. But if you were to ask others, they would say it is, but it was what made people happy. At least a good bit of them was happy. This is a love story after all...


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Fallen An...
by APandEG