Conflicting Sides...
By Arilovr14
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • collab
  • collabbook
  • duo
  • exoplanet
  • friends
  • murderdrones
  • murderdronesau
  • planet
  • space


With the solver neutralized and defeated, everyone's relieved but still on edge. Trying to ease their worries everyone from the colony (including the Murder Drones) moves to the other side of the planet. L and S are just as happy as everyone else and more than comfortable, too comfortable. So, the two go on an adventure together, leaving their once very comfortable lives behind in search of something new and exciting. Oh, little did they know what they were getting into. Hi! I'm Ari and welcome to my first collab book! I'm collabing with niijicharlie143 and their book will be linked at the end of each chapter. We've decided to make each book L and S's different POVs! Eventually, the two friends will be separated so you'll need to switch between books to see what happens to each character. Yipee!!! I do not own Murder Drones! Murder Drones is an amazing indie animation on YT by GLITCH Productions and Liam Vickers! Make sure to go check it out! I do not own SD-L or any original characters from Murder Drones. I only own my OC, S. L is owned by niijicharlie143 Our OCs are from our Murder Drones x OC fics, so if you want to know who our OCs really are, you should read those too! I'll most likely be changing the story cover to a drawing of our OCs because I'm an artist and yess Anyway, that's all! Enjoy the story! Best Ratings:

Prologue + Intro

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by Arilovr14