Night Ryder
By Harry_and_Julie
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • cars
  • country
  • dangerous
  • fast
  • innocent
  • love
  • romance
  • streetracing
  • wattys2017


Fast. That's the one word used to describe Ryder Mitchell's life. He had to grow up quicker than most children due to his terrible living situation. He never has found a way to release that anger. That is, until he found street racing. Two years later, Ryder is at the top. He's undeniably hot, unbeatable, and the ladies love him. Sure he sleeps with them, but he makes sure there are no strings attached. He isn't looking for some chick to tie him down. Until he meets Faith Logan, that is. She is undeniably gorgeous. She is innocent and fragile. She is also super smart and has her life planned out. She decides moving to Seattle, Washington will help her writing career take off. She is certain of what she wants. Until she meets Ryder Mitchell, that is.

Chapter 1

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Night Ryd...
by Harry_and_Julie