Viktor's Doll...
By GabiDelphine
  • Fanfiction
  • 18andover
  • 18andup
  • 18plus
  • abusivecontent
  • adult-content
  • adultsituations
  • cyberpunk2077
  • femalemaincharacter
  • femaleprotagonist
  • futuristic
  • notforkids
  • ratedr
  • readatyourownrisk
  • shortchapters
  • shortstory
  • triggerwarning
  • videogames
  • viktorvektor


Surviving on the streets of Night City was hard but being a junkie and homeless was even harder and selling your body just so you can get food and even worst... drugs into your system was the only option, Abigail Bonn's lifestyle was getting out of control, so many people tried to help her and she always ends up hurting those she loves, when she tries to get her life together and everything goes good for a while it all comes crashing down when her pimp wants her back, addiction can only go so far in a world full of pain. [Viktor Vektor x fem OC] [─────«⋅ʚ⚠DISCLAIMER⚠ɞ⋅»─────] READERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED!!! THIS STORY IS 18+ AND IT HAS GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF VIOLENCE, STRONG LANGUAGE, SEXUALITY AND/OR OTHER ADULT SITUATIONS AND THEMES THAT ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNGER READERS UNDER 18!!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION AND READ AT YOUR OWN RISKS!!! story started: Wed, Mar•20•2024 | 1:20pm story finished: TBA...

•1• The Night Out

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by GabiDelphine