Grandma's Attic
By crispinakemp
  • Humor
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • giant
  • goblins
  • human
  • magicpowers
  • novella
  • portal


A novella of 27 episodes In another ten days, Thredwyl's two hundred years of keeping company with his daredevil young cousins will stop. In another ten days, he must set aside his immature status and take his place amongst the adults. Thereafter, those adults will expect him to choose which of his magical talents to develop further for the benefit of all in Dolstone. Since none of this excites him, it's hardly surprising when his cousins set him one last dare that he accepts it. They dare him to sneak into Grandma's Attic - which is fully forbidden - and as proof he's been there, to pilfer her most ancient and treasured Mother's Manual. When he miscasts the spell, he ends up in an entirely different attic, in what at first seems to be the mythic world he's heard of in stories. Thredwyl isn't a hero, and he doesn't want a hero's adventure. He just wants to return to his own world. Yet the longer he's there, the less likely it seems that'll ever happen. Perhaps his fate is to be stranded there. Forever. Or killed. Fit punishment for stealing one of Grandma's Spells.

Chapter One

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by crispinakemp