By TorienBel
  • Fantasy
  • action-adventure
  • bountyhunter
  • enemies
  • explicitlanguage
  • fiction
  • intrigue
  • lgbt
  • lgbtfiction
  • mages
  • magic
  • malexmale
  • rivalry
  • romance
  • slow
  • slowbuild
  • slowburn


Teval Rin is in trouble. After abandoning his academy team while they were seeking a bounty for the Corps, Teval instead helps a rival hunting team capture the bounty, earning part of the reward. He's punished with a shadow assignment, to observe and teach an attribute user who lacks control over their powers, a user Teval reported himself. Now he's stuck babysitting Lexton Elist, a guy he's been at odds with for years and one of the members of the very same team he'd helped get that bounty. But make no mistake, Lexton definitely needs the help with his attribute, whether he wants it or not. As Teval gets to know the team, he also starts to realize that maybe the way that the academy treated him wasn't so great after all. He clashes with his former team leader and stumbles upon information that starts to put Lexton and possibly the whole bounty team in danger. Will he finish his shadow assignment, or will he reject what the academy taught him to keep his newfound friends safe? --updates every 2 weeks | 29 chapters + epilogue once completed--


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by TorienBel