Amaterasu: The Radi...
By R-ichard
  • Fantasy
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  • fantasy
  • goddess
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  • lightvsdarkness
  • mythology


The Myth of Amaterasu: A Tale of Light and Power Amaterasu is a central figure in Japanese mythology, known as the goddess of the sun and ruler of heaven. In this blog post, we will delve into the myth of Amaterasu and explore her significance within Japanese culture. Origin Story: According to ancient legend, Izanagi (the god who created Japan) gave birth to three children while traveling through Yomi-no-kuni, the underworld. The first child born was Kagutsuchi, the fire deity who accidentally burned his mother during birth. Her death caused great sorrow for Izanagi, who then vowed to never return to Yomi-no-kuni again. In order to purify himself from his journey through the underworld, Izanagi bathed in a river and out came 3 more deities - including Amaterasu who emerged from behind rocks on Mount Takachiho. She shone with such brilliance that she illuminated both land and sea. Significance in Japanese Culture: Amaterasu holds immense power within Japanese mythology as she represents light and life itself. It is believed that her brightness radiates peace and harmony amongst all living beings. As such an important deity in Shintoism -Japan's indigenous religion- many shrines throughout Japan are dedicated solely to worshipping Amaterasu. Furthermore, according to folklore it was said that when Emperor Jimmu made his way across Honshu Island towards Kyoto without any resistance he declared himself heavenly granted "emperor." This distinction solidified a deep connection between Emperors upon their ascension where they too were seen as descendants or even incarnation.

Chapter One: The Radiant Birth

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by R-ichard