Drangon Rider
By DragonxWriter_
  • Fantasy
  • dragonetsofdestiny
  • dragons


In a world of magic and wonder, a young girl finds herself with an unusual companion - a baby dragon. The girl, named Luna, lives in a small village at the edge of a vast forest. She is an orphan and has always felt out of place, but her life changes forever when she discovers the dragon hatchling. On her journey, Luna meets a cast of characters, including a wise old wizard, a fierce warrior, and a young thief with a heart of gold. Together, they face countless obstacles and challenges as they make their way to the sorcerer's lair. Along the way, Luna learns more about herself and her own magic, discovering that she too has powers beyond what she ever imagined. In the end, Luna realizes that raising Blaze is not just about protecting her - it was about discovering her own strength and courage. She returns to her village with a new sense of purpose, knowing that she has the power to make a difference in the world. And with Blaze by her side, she knows that anything is possible.


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Drangon R...
by DragonxWriter_