Malachi, Intervene:...
By JElla_Emma
  • Spiritual
  • abraham
  • faith
  • falsedoctrines
  • falsegospel
  • holyspirit
  • malachi
  • onetenth
  • thechurchandtithes
  • thelaw
  • theleviticalpriesthood


NOT MY WORK... WRITTEN BY @nij2020. All questions can be directed to his account. In 2014, while sleeping, I had a dream towards the early hours of the morning around 4am. In the dream, I approached an old lady cooking by the firewood. As I walked by, I heard a loud voice saying, "Nathaniel! Malachi, intervene!" When I woke up, I pondered on what the dream meant and took my bible and read it and my spirit led me to tithes. Then I started studying the bible, writing and reading as led by the Spirit. The title and the first content of this book, "The Doctrine of Tithes" was written based on the dream. Immediately I finished, someone came up to me and told me there was a serious debate about tithes and they needed my intervention. I thanked God for the insight and gave him the write up. I knew that was the reason for the dream. God wanted me to intervene, and I did. The second topic on "Tithes and Blessing" was as a result of a message preached by a popular preacher on how paying tithes, leads to blessing. Someone brought it to my attention and needed my input. That was how the second topic was developed. Finally, as a result of many questions answered over the years about tithes, I developed the third topic "Questions about Tithes", which is the issue with tithes.


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by JElla_Emma