Welcome to the world of Chained Soul, an anime where monsters and futuristic technology collide. The story takes place in a world where humans and monsters coexist, but not always peacefully. Monsters are born from the souls of the deceased and roam the land, their power fueled by a mysterious force known as Chain. To combat these monsters, humans have developed advanced technology, including weapons that harness Chain energy. However, not everyone is content to simply defend themselves. Some humans have discovered that they can form a pact with a monster and gain access to its power. These individuals are known as Chainers. Chainers are highly sought after in battles against other monsters, and those who possess this ability often become wrapped up in political intrigue and power struggles. There are those who seek to exploit Chain energy for their own gain, and those who fight against them. Enter our protagonist, a young Chainer named Akira. He is thrust into the center of a conspiracy involving the Chain Enforcement Division (CED), a special task force created to deal with rogue Chainers. As Akira delves deeper into the mystery, he discovers that the true nature of Chain energy is far more complex than he ever imagined.