The House
By Ore_la
  • Fantasy
  • ace
  • aceofclubs
  • aceofdiamonds
  • aceofhearts
  • aceofspades
  • adventure
  • creativestory
  • fantasy
  • gods
  • magic
  • romance
  • sunxmoondynamic
  • thehouse
  • thehouseoftheclub
  • thehouseofthediamond
  • thehouseoftheheart
  • thehouseofthespade


~To enter the house is the greatest honor that can be bestowed upon a human~ Hundreds of thousands of years ago, four gods came into existence. These gods were the ones who shaped and crafted our world from the dust of the universe. They sculpted humanity and the lands around them in order to provide them with what they would need to thrive. However, humans lack the perfection that they gods who created them had possessed. Wars and famines broke out, and the humans threatened to wipe themselves out. The gods had to do something. They couldn't allow their newborn creations to die off from with world that they had sculpted for them. So, they intervened. They created four demigods, one in each of their images, to send down to the mortal plain in order to rule over the humans. Immortals that could rule until the end of their time. They soon realized, however, that this wasn't enough. That the newly born immortals had no guide in the world, that because they were created in the gods image, they had no way of understanding the complexities of human minds. To remedy this, the gods each created a suit to raise their divine ruler. Thirteen humans granted divine powers per each immortal. Thousands of years have flown by since then. Some of the suits have shifted. The humans granted powers lifespans stretched out far longer than previously thought possible while maintaining their youth... but when one is killed, every member beneath them shifts upwards, gaining power at the price of another life... And a new human will enter the house at the bottom of the power scale, in order to maintain the thirteen per suit rule. There have been many shifts in power... so much so that very little remains of the original order assigned by the gods. ... Two of the Demi-gods are dead... Slain by members of their own house. Three hundred years ago, The Ace of Clubs vanished, taking her kingdom with her. No one has heard a word from The House of the Club since then. ...Until now...

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The House
by Ore_la