(DnD) Depths of the...
By RyanW9
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • action
  • adventure
  • dnd
  • fiction
  • funtime
  • games
  • horror
  • illusion
  • mystery
  • pictures
  • puzzle
  • roleplay
  • roleplaycharacters
  • twistandturns


A 2 part Dungeons & Dragons styled campaign. Part 1: -INSTITUTE OF MADNESS- Some seemingly ordinary humans wake up in a padded room. As the day progresses the patients are taken around the mental institution to complete their daily activities. One night something goes wrong and the patients are unable to rest. Afflicted by a nightmare the patients begin to see images of water and fire. The patients soon realize that something is terribly wrong. Making their way through the institution they begin to unravel secrets, unlock memories and become their true selves. Making their way out of the institution the patients realize that they've only scratched the surface of their reality. Part 2: -THE PLIGHT OF ERITHAL- The Merrow Mother, a monstrous creature akin to merfolk from the Abyss, terrorized the oceans alongside her kin. After experiencing a powerful vision, she developed a dark craving for immense power. Convinced that true power could only be derived from divine beings, the Merrow Mother crafted a sinister plan to transform not only herself but her entire kin. In their pursuit of domination, her kin successfully trapped the slumbering sea god, Panzurel, within a crystal cocoon. This strategic imprisonment allowed the Merrow Mother and her kin to siphon the god's extraordinary powers, greatly enhancing their own. As they furthered their chaotic agenda, a diverse group of unlikely heroes came together to stop them. Despite achieving a series of remarkable feats, the heroes' luck eventually ran out. The Kin struck a deal with a demon, persuading him to imprison the audacious group. They argued that if the heroes could pose a lethal threat to them, they might soon challenge hell itself. This clever manipulation secured the Kin's survival and propelled their quest for power. (🚧 Still under construction 🚧)

Institute of Madness (Prologue - Intro - Story)

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(DnD) Dep...
by RyanW9