The Royal Love
By MichaelJJacksonPeter
  • Fantasy
  • fantasyfiction


Aurora is overjoyed when she receives tickets to Disney jersey's ove night in the mail but she is expecting a baby girl which makes her even more delighted because prince Philip was her absolute favorite prince out of all the princes Disney has created but there was one thing trying to stop her and that was her crazy aunt that hated children and when she found out about aurora's pregnancy she was furious and that's when things start to turn bad because aurora's parents have both passed away just one year before the walt Disney world after hours event was announced but on the night of the event aurora gets involved in a bad accident as she was riding her prince Philip themed bike to the event which causes her to go into premature labor and deliver her baby immediately on impact but Philip takes the baby to the hospital and it gets adopted then aurora arrives at the event and is reunited with Philip in person and enjoys a talk with him on the library Square steps then they go for a walk through fantasyland and meet up with aurora but Shasha the former princess soon quits and backstage frank the manger asks aurora if she would be willing to take her place as the princess and she proudly accepts and now and forever she works at Disney jersey with a few small and changes to the workplace rules day and night alongside her future real life prince whose real name is Philip changing her life forever. Cover picture not mine

a special mail delivery

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The Royal...
by MichaelJJacksonPeter