Star Fields (BFB/Tp...
By BonBonTheInkling
  • Fanfiction
  • bfb
  • bfbloser
  • bfdi
  • bfdiau
  • bfdiclock
  • bfdifour
  • bfditwo
  • objectshow
  • tpot
  • tpotwinner


~TW's that'll be in some chapters. Warning at beginning & Will include art aswell (will be censored) •Swearing •Violence •Gore(?) •Fighting •Abuse •Transphobia(?) •Dysphoria •IM NOT GOOD AT WRITING SO THE BOOK WONT BE THAT GOOD AND NO SHIPSS :[ --------------------------- •Loser and Winner were always together, they always seemed to be atleast. One of them were never seen without the other one, they were together... No matter what. The day that Loser suddenly went solo, the day that Loser was seen without Winner, the day that Winner wasn't seen with Loser, the day Winner disappeared, the day everyone forgot Winner, and the day that everyone praised Loser for being confident for becoming a solo celebrity... "What happened to them?" One object always asked, one that used to be obsessed with the duo, one that never forgot, Clock. The one object that used to be so obsessed with the two to the point anyone could get him any Loser and Winner merch, and he'd be the happiest clock in the world for weeks on end. That was until Winner joined TpoT, Winner looked different though.. Clock did notice this, but he didn't care, He was over the moon, filled with joy when he saw his idol, Winner. His favourite celebrity, his favourite cloud shaped object, the one that suddenly vanished. But he's a bit obsessed, one object saw this and wants answers. ------------------------------------------------------------ (Most of the story will be a past of Winner and Loser, but some TpoT and BFB settings will be included! Some parts might not make sense since I'm going with the flow) INFO: ~Main Characters~ •Winner •Clock ~Secondary Characters~ •Loser •########## •######## -------------------------------------------------- (This fic was inspired by "Star Fields" by Alora Farenweh)

Sudden Appearance...

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Star Fiel...
by BonBonTheInkling