Oblivious Crush
By ar3dhk
  • Romance
  • animelogic
  • animeplot
  • comedy-romance
  • femaleprotagonist
  • reverseharem
  • romance
  • weeaboo
  • weeb


A reverse harem story, which includes female protagonist, which is also a massive weeb that indulges herself in otome games and other dating games. Also enjoys playing all types of games and staying indoors. But once being forced to transfer schools after moving, she arrives in a quieter country town of Japan. She is excited to be able to live somewhere were most of her favourite things were made, but her Japanese is just as broken and most of the time she sounds like a child just learning how to communicate with proper words As she tries to survive her new permanent life in Japan she ends up attracting lots of unnoticed attention whoever she goes, mainly in her school, and not in a bad way. She usually stays quiet in her class and in public, as she doesn't want to accidently say or do something out of culture as to not be rude; since she's a foreigner and has very broken japanese and is some-what aware with some of japanese culture. --------] This Book Includes: simps mentions of real and non-real games and media weeb protagonist 🐟FEMALE protagainst🐟 (dont wanna get your hopes up and only to discover it's a female protag) stalking comedy unrealistic anime stuff/logic --------] so yea, I hope you enjoy. :3 Sorry if english isn't good, I've always had trouble with it despite it being my first language (im australian) will try to post a chapter or 2 every one to two weeks, perhaps?

New World - Chapter One

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by ar3dhk