Radiant Hyena (Char...
By RBMichaels
  • General Fiction
  • action
  • fantasy
  • magicalrealism
  • mystery
  • science-fantasy


Hey there, wonderful readers! Welcome to the enchanting realm of Radiant Hyena, my own little corner of imagination and storytelling. I'm absolutely thrilled to embark on this journey with you, weaving tales of diverse characters and immersive worlds that I've been brewing in my mind. Consider Radiant Hyena as a treasure trove of character backstories and intricately crafted settings. I want you to savor each piece like a delightful puzzle, gradually unveiling the layers that make these characters who they are. Think of it as a shared secret between us, where I'll drop hints and breadcrumbs for you to pick up, leaving you with just enough curiosity to eagerly anticipate the novels I'm brewing up. My hope is that diving into the backgrounds of these characters will spark your imagination, kindling a flame of excitement for the adventures yet to come. So, grab a cozy spot, a cup of your favorite beverage, and join me in this exploration. Together, we'll embark on a journey through the Radiant Hyena universe, where every character has a story to tell, and every world has its own magic waiting to be discovered. Happy reading!

Zuleyka Ixchel Seraphina (Character Bio)

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Radiant H...
by RBMichaels