The Island of Aiesh...
By EvaEvanTokyo
  • Science Fiction
  • aliceinwonderland
  • evangelion
  • lordoftherings
  • narina


This series takes place in a world similar to ours; diverging dramatically from our time in the 19th century. An underwater research team stumbles upon a mysterious new organism. Rapidly exploited, this organism ushers the world into a new era, full of remarkable accomplishments and equally unsettling projects, hurtling humanity into the 24th century on an accelerated course. Our narrative centers on Aieshin, an island nestled in the midst of a vast ocean, settled 700 years by people who fought secured their independence from the corporate conglomerates responsible for creating them with the enigmatic sea organism. Known as the "Light of the World" due to its inhabitants' advanced utilization of resources, energy, and super-cognitive abilities, Aieshin now finds itself as the worlds's most influential force. The tale unfolds during the coming-of-age journey of six Aieshins. The narrative commences with Mie McConnell, a soft-spoken and astute character, and her lively friend Amadora Fitzgerald, as they add the finishing touches to a play slated for a once-in-seven-years national celebration. The success of the play is crucial, with the other 12 members of their group relying on Mie and Amadora to shine during this exceptional event. Guiding the production is the insightful director Wolf Steven Satou, who enlists the help of three other members from their kinship group to ensure the play's excellence. The group gets a resounding success. However, things take a dark turn as one of the play's members goes missing, starting a chain of events that will reshape the futures of these six Aieshins. Their idyllic existence is swiftly jeopardized by supernatural forces seeking their demise. Everyday challenges evolve into complex dilemmas, testing them to the brink. Their journey becomes a testament to empowerment, uplifting those around them amid the chaos to create a new world of with love, justice, and joy.

Chapter 1 Dreams to Life 1/2

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The Islan...
by EvaEvanTokyo