7 rules of life
By asrajjitkaur
  • Non-Fiction
  • beneficial
  • beneficiary
  • benefits
  • consistency
  • growth
  • hack
  • journal
  • life
  • lifechanging
  • lifehacks
  • lifelessons
  • lifestory
  • lifetime
  • mindset
  • nature
  • personal-development
  • productivity
  • reading
  • rules
  • self-development
  • self-improvement
  • selfdiscovery
  • selfhelp
  • success
  • tipsandtricks


Let's keep it sweet, simple and short just for you. Gratitude How do you expect to receive more in life when you're not even grateful for what you have right now? It is so important for you to express gratitude daily in fact have a gratitude journal. Write down everything and everybody that you're grateful for. In fact you can incorporate this verbally through meditation. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone eh! Live in the now Inspired by Eckhart Tolle by his magnificent book "The Power of Now" changed the way I look at life right now. With the fast pace of technology there's no "stop" sign for us in fact it's symbolized as a "delay" in today's world! Therefore it's ever important for us to appreciate the now moment for the now. To give the best version of yourself to the person right in front of you and to give your full attention to the thing that you're working on now. Yes I know it's so important to have that future vision as well because that's what we are working for right? But we need to find the fine margin of balance between now and later. That's when I believe we would strive as a balanced human species. Read You know what they say: "Readers are leaders." It doesn't have to be a fixed timeline, pick up the right book anytime you can and even if it's for a minute that's okay! You're still putting in that effort for yourself. It is the intention that counts at the end of the day and this is a fact!

7 rules of life

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7 rules o...
by asrajjitkaur