If you die, i die w...
By Kiwi__69
  • Fanfiction
  • bl
  • bsd
  • bungoustraydogs
  • fyodordostoyevsky
  • fyolai
  • nikolaigogol


Nikolai is a waiter in a small cafe. Every day is just boring. He doesn't have many friends... He's just lonely. Not counting his family of course. His family... his family is also boring, they can't entertain him. In every way possible. He wants to seek entertainment and freedom every single day but all days are just the same. It changes when a black haired boy enters the cafe... In some time, Nikolai knows that they don't have any future, but he still tries. Most probably it will be fluff and a little bit of angst can teleport into the story sometimes because i felt like writing something sadder :P For some context, i changed the language I'm writing in because i just feel more confident and comfortable writing in English than Polish ^_^/Dla kontekstu, zmieniłam język, w którym pisze dlatego, że czuje sie bardziej pewna siebie i bardziej komfortowo pisząc po angielsku niż po polsku ^_^ I DON'T OWN THE FANART!!! IT'S FROM NgoziK_74 on Twitter!!!

「 l - Work and tea 」

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If you di...
by Kiwi__69