Vengeance of the Sh...
By aoiiiife
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • revenge


Isabella Eden is part of a long line of criminals. Well, technically speaking, anyway. Anyone with the Sight is legally obliged to register themselves as Shadow Keepers once they reach adulthood, and the Edens have been conscious non-partakers in that rule for generations. With that much combined experience, they have refined the art of pretending not to see Shadows, strange creatures that only those with the Sight could see properly. Which is why when Isabella gets herself caught by the son of one of the most renowned Shadow Keeper families, she has only one option: feign total innocence and join the Shadow Keepers like an upstanding member of society. Joining the Shadow Keepers affords her the chance to study the creatures that her family has been avoiding for years, and the almost inexplicable amount of interest she receives from the man who caught her allows her a sneak peek into the inner sanctum of the Shadow Keepers. And, after all, where better to dismantle a corrupt organisation than from the inside?

Chapter 1

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by aoiiiife