A Prince, and His M...
By SecretsStayHere
  • Werewolf
  • alternativestory
  • fantasy
  • kingdom
  • prince
  • romance
  • thepurewolves
  • triplets


In a different reality, everything is reversed. Where 'Pure's' are only women, and in a different time period. The first born werewolf triplets, Ashlin, Brandy, and Connie are black 'Pure' wolves who control the best pack on earth besides the werewolf kingdom. Every wolf knows not to go to the kingdom, for the prince is a very unique wolf who doesn't take kindly to visitors. No one knows who the prince really is,but their are rumors that he is very powerful,and nothing scares him. Then as time goes on, the prince invites all unmated werewolves, to come to his twentieth birthday. Forced by the knights of the kingdom, the three girls journey to the secret area the has been hidden by the world. Soon enough, they meet the prince with the rest of the wolves. *His black eyes bore into us, as he chuckled out, "Well hello there. Who knew i'd have three very beautiful black 'Pure's' coming to visit me on this special day." He twirls Ashlin's hair and continued, "And to think that their mine."*


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A Prince...
by SecretsStayHere