I wanna be yours
By Sosasszzzzz
  • Teen Fiction
  • 13plus
  • assault
  • attention
  • betrayal
  • bipanic
  • boys
  • confused
  • drama
  • fallinginloveagain
  • friendstolovers
  • fuckboy
  • girlmeetsworld
  • girlxboy
  • girlxgirl
  • good
  • harassment
  • highschoolexperience
  • keepreading
  • love
  • narcissism
  • romance
  • sexism
  • teenagelove
  • teenlife
  • trauma


My mouth dropped.. Remember when I said this; "I could feel that he wanted to blame me for all of this again, that he wanted to shout at me or even hit me, maybe even.. Nevermind he wouldn't do that." HE did, i would've never thought he'd actually do it. I used to like HIM, before HIS personality took a wrong turn into the darkness.. Still gotta come up with a good description. Some things you should know though: My first language isn't english, so i will ask you to look over any spelling mistakes. I also haven't fully checked it on spelling mistakes like its instead of it's, or anything else :).

And then one day, your name didn't make me smile anymore.

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I wanna b...
by Sosasszzzzz