A Love Behind Thos...
By YoureloveKath
  • Non-Fiction
  • college
  • computer
  • firstmeeting
  • freshman
  • friendship
  • lovestory
  • pangasinan
  • professor
  • programming
  • students
  • teen
  • university


The Two students met Chelsea and Ethan found themselves drawn together by a shared passion: computer language without knowing Chelsea was just forced to take the course of Information Technology Chelsea wanted to pursue her dream course but it was a force to be reckoned with. Her eyes were full of sadness and regret but with determination and her fingers danced over the keyboard with a rhythm that was uniquely hers On the other hand, Ethan was a quiet and thoughtful Information Technology student. He had a knack for solving complex problems and a deep understanding of various programming languages. His calm demeanor belied his intense focus and passion for coding. Their paths crossed in a computer lab, where their professor gave them an activity and Chelsea was not that good at coding so they Worked together and suddenly they discovered a shared language in lines of code. Their conversations were filled with discussions about algorithms, data structures, and the latest tech trends. Their connection was undeniable. They found comfort in each other's company, often losing track of time as they worked on their activities or debated over the best coding practices. Their shared passion for computer language brought them closer, and they fell for each other.


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A Love Be...
by YoureloveKath