This is the story of a messed up relations. _KIM JISOO_ A very simple girl but what will happen if a bully of a group tries to mess up with her ? . _KIM JENNIE_ One and only savage girl you'll see . no one tries to mess up with her but if they does then you'll find them hospital the next morning. but what if she met just someone like her !?. _PARK CHAEYOUNG /ROSÉ_ A very sweet , caring yet short tempered girl. blessed with angelic voice but what will happen if the Playboy of the university took intrest in her ? what she will do ?. ( WE HAVE OTHER SHIPS TOO !!. ) _IM NAYEON_ a very sweet and caring girl who loves to make new friends , but unexpectedly she falls for a funny and cute guys but the problem is he is in the same group in where her friend's enemies are . _BAE NANCY_ A bookworm and a very curious person, she's always curious about anything or everything she have every details about everything, but she felt trapped in someone's cage. a mature content, abusive words and sexual scenes are included 🔞.