By HopeMikaelson2009
  • Fanfiction
  • aakash
  • ai-ma
  • arko
  • arushah
  • chandni
  • deembo
  • hidimbi
  • kaanchkawla
  • kaanmawla
  • kiranmalaandthekingdombeyond
  • kumi
  • pinki
  • ravan
  • rontu
  • surpanakha
  • thefirequeen
  • toto


Gaat Chchora - The tying of the knot. A sacred symbol of union between two souls.....for seven lives they say. "It will be alright", they tell her, "This is not the first time this has happened. Hidimbi, too, married a human prince". Hidimbi's human consort didn't put his father in eternal sleep and send off his eldest brother into unknown dimensions while deliberately not considering the return fare, Pinki thinks sourly. Her dream of marrying Arko in tatters, the Rakkhoshi Rani is unable to imagine seven lives in enforced proximity of the gluttonous youngest Champak Brother, forget seven lives. But freedom comes with a price and power, with responsibility. The Demon Queen must think of the well-being of all her subjects beyond that of her own. But will she lose herself in the process, trapped in an unhappy marriage with no example to guide her? "You are brave," his brothers would tell him whenever he would go to them crying because the bully of minister's son had snatched away his sweets, "Brave boys do not let themselves be trampled over. They know what they want and take it". He'd always been too afraid to take this advice. "What if people don't like it?" he would ask and they would laugh, "Orre Rontu re! We will be there to you if you're wrong." So, he decided to be brave. But now that a crown adorned his head and his neck awaited a garland, his brothers weren't there to tell him if he was wrong. He must be brave again, he decided, both in his role as King of the Kingdom Beyond and as husband to the woman he loved. But in the aftermath of his impulsive decision to coerce Pinki to choose him as consort and with no precedent of the youngest of seven princes being king while the others (presumably) lived, will Rontu be able to bear the pressure of his choices and come out on top? "If there is no light, if the path before you rages with dark, then light your own heart on fire. Be the beacon. Be the spark."

AUTHOR'S NOTE : Do Not Skip!

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by HopeMikaelson2009