Mary Sue - Coming H...
By tkriskarli
  • Fantasy
  • aromantic
  • diversity
  • fantasy
  • lgbt
  • magicalrealism
  • mary-sue
  • marysue
  • queer
  • satire
  • teenfiction
  • theplots


Amelia, Destiny, Liara, and Reina are too weird for their town. Maybe it's the time or the setting, but they're just not main character material. They would be background players added for diversity in most old sitcoms. But when a literal Mary Sue comes to town, and sweeps the whole region into a frenzy of tropes and cliches, only these four seem to be immune to her musical numbers, wild scene changes, and dramatic over-reactions. Since the self-named members of the Band exist outside traditional narratives, they might be the most interesting people to modern audiences. Whether because they're queer, fat, aro, ethnically diverse or clinically depressed, they wouldn't be focused on in the past, but only they can save their small town from the ravages of an uncaring plot. *** What if the movies and commercials were right and the world was full of improbable happenings. What if life imitated art? The Mary Sue stories are about a group of people for whom the world rearranges itself. The Mary Sues are dragged along a set series of plots by unknown forces, but those forces are also beholden to them. The real story is that there are some people below the notice of stories. Odd, different, or seemingly unimportant, these four must grapple with the changes the Mary-Sues will wreak on their comfortably mundane small town.

Vignette Stop the Presses

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Mary Sue...
by tkriskarli