Past Lovers (REWRIT...
By Casanova702
  • Fanfiction
  • damien
  • drama
  • highschoolsweethearts
  • lgbt
  • love
  • reunited
  • rhea
  • rhearipley
  • ripley
  • thejudgementday
  • wlw
  • wrestling
  • wwe
  • wwesuperstars


*I wanted to rewrite this book for the longest time, I wasn't happy with how my first one came out and I feel like you guys deserve so much better. The story has changed here and there, I hope you all enjoy.* What happens when the past lover of the famous Eradicator comes to America to work as a lead surgeon in the hospital WWE is partnered with. As Allison Reed navigates this new journey, seeing the love her life wrestle in front of her. what new journey do they embark on together, how do they survive when its the world against them falling back in love with each other. Can they truly escape from the dark past they once shared to the upcoming and ominous future. Do they crack and fall apart or do they shine and rise above everyone?

My Demi

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Past Love...
by Casanova702