LeafLink (ONC 2024)...
By doodooferguson
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • artist
  • genetics
  • human
  • humor
  • mystery
  • newyork
  • onc2024
  • puzzle
  • sciencefiction
  • shortstory
  • thriller
  • virtualreality


Anton Vitalli had grown up dreaming of making it to Hollywood's big screen - not as a star, but as a screenwriter. Flash-forward a decade, and now he's in his late twenties, still living in NYC. Instead of the creativity he was hoping for in life, he works as a copywriter for a tasteless retail corporation. Things hadn't turned out exactly as he was expecting, but at least the bills were being paid, right? But then came the chatbots, A.I., and software, and suddenly Vitalli's job is under jeopardy. Then the worst comes to pass, and he's fired as part of a massive national layoff. The reason, however, wasn't exactly what he'd been predictiing... Enter LeafLink, a new way to explore, create, and play inside the digital landscape. But it's far more than just a replacement for the internet; if its creater, BioLink, can follow through on what it's promising, Anton's job is just the start. There's a hitch, however - the company seeks creative-types; people with imagination and talent for the arts. Anton jumps at the opportunity, unaware of the reason why he and the others have become LeakLink's missing piece...

Chapter 1

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by doodooferguson