udaan I the art of...
By Shreyyz
  • Teen Fiction
  • age
  • coffee
  • doctor
  • drama
  • family
  • food
  • freedom
  • friendship
  • funny
  • india
  • issues
  • life
  • live
  • love
  • medicine
  • mom
  • mum
  • occupation
  • platonicsoulmate
  • refreshing
  • sliceoflife
  • tamil
  • tamilnadu
  • travel
  • travelogue


All she wanted to do was fly, fly, fly and soar. her spirit as free as a bird, her heart with the desire to rise, but the cage had to be broken before. right? would she be able to break through or will the cage break her? who could now stop her endless and tameless guts? Or, a little girl who's passionate; so much that she went against the world, went against the rules, ideas and made her own way. "If i cannot be the sun that lights up the world, I'll be the lamp that lights up my street," she was taught this all her life but, "If i cannot be the sun, I'll still keep trying to be the sun even if i didn't have to light up the world. If I'm happy, that's enough," it wasn't selfishness, it was human greed, to do good only for yourself. But, everyone gets a development process in their life, maybe she does too. Not entirely good, not entirely bad. She had her own flaws but that was what made her imperfectly perfect in this perfectly imperfect world.


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udaan I t...
by Shreyyz