"Why the fuck is my dad calling you talking about a payment?" "Vivian-" "NO! TELL ME WHY IS PAYING YOU!" "I'm supposed to be watching you protecting you." "Oh my god I'm so stupid." "Vivian." "No get away from me I'm going home. This was just some job for you. I was just a job." "Vivian." "Let me go." "No listen to me." "I don't want to listen to you. My dad payed you to get close to me." "Vivian you are more than just the money. You are the first person that didn't look at me like i was a nuisance." "No you can't guilt trip me." "I love you Vivian." "You can't love me you only got close to me because they were paying you and that's not fair. Please just let me go." -- Vivian Amanda and Adalind even when seperated they persevered. After being separated when Vivian moved to New York and then Adalind and Amanda following her back. They finally get to go to school together and finish together. They had made a no boyfriend pact but after Adalind broke it the other two were simply dealing. Vivian is in line to be Valedictorian after almost failing a project where she got partnered with Ethan the schools resident bad boy she now hates him and she is the daughter of a Mafia princess. And the best friend of a Mafia Princess and a future Cartel Leader. She doesn't hate most people.Someone has to give people a chance after all. But after Ethan had almost made her fail she wanted nothing to do with him. Now it's her junior year and her teacher is asking her to tutor him since he missed to much to catch up on his own. -- Ethan came back from a mission from his boss Warren Bianchi only to find out that he already had another assignment from Amari Ramirez Warren's brother-in-law. Assignment befriend his daughter protect her seduce her. And who was he to question orders. But along the way he started to fall for the headstrong overachieving braniac. Finding out that she was way more than what she seemed to be. Book Three in the Bianchi Mafia series
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