Runes of the Ancien...
By CamiLaraA
  • Fantasy
  • action-romance
  • alotofsex
  • angst
  • bisexual
  • cliffhanger
  • confessions
  • enemiestolovers
  • explicit
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • friendsandfamily
  • gettingtogether
  • mutualpining
  • mutualpinning
  • onesidedlove
  • powers
  • royalty
  • runes
  • strong-female-character


This is the tragic love story of the Commander of the royal army and the masked Prince from the enemy Kingdom. The ancient gods abandoned them when they saw humanity struggle. The only trace of their existence were the marks they imprinted on certain people, runes that allowed a few of them to have powers like controlling fire, flying, super strength, read minds, bend light, master the shadows, and more. It sounded amazing, right? But it was far from it. These people were hunted down for their marks by a new religion called The Children of Dawn. They were being brutally murdered, so the royal army of Serenkal decided to intervene, even fight to death for them. That is the world Lien lived in, being a Commander to the royal army. But what she wouldn't have guessed was a beautiful man entering her life and shaking everything upside down. Her friend Wystan, who she had a crush on, told her to get away from him, but the male had a certain allure to him that made her want more. Like a forbidden fruit. It wasn't any man either, it was the Prince of Miyak, the Kingdom that was her sworn enemy for personal reasons she hasn't told a soul, so that complicated things. That and also his arrogant and sarcastic personality made her hate him from the get go, but the male had other plans it seemed. While trying to survive her dangerous daily missions, stay undercover and search for information to stop this new deadly religion that had people in a trance, Lien has to try and mantain her normal life, while also going through unresolved feelings and new scary ones.

Of Oaths and Lies ch 1-4

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Runes of...
by CamiLaraA