The Rotted Angels
By AdmiralSnackbar
  • Horror
  • apocalypse
  • post-apocalyptic
  • purge
  • soirée
  • zombie


June 14th, 2016, the angels came down to earth. Christians saw this as a sign of the oncoming rapture and their guaranteed places in heaven. On the other hand, skeptics viewed these “angels” as faux emissaries of a god that doesn’t exist. Turn out that both parties were right! During their brief stay on in the public eye, the angels vexed the masses with their sheer beauty and the telling of “The Second Coming”, but never elaborated on who, or what, was coming. Only a month after the angels’ departure, the “rapture” occurred, but it wasn’t what religious folk had in mind. Something wrought forth a plague of the living dead that shambled across all corners of the earth. Though it came as a startling realization that no one was safe from the gnashing jaws of the living dead! The people of the world were slaughtered indiscriminately, religious or otherwise. It seemed this plague would consume the earth if humanity allowed so. Those who survived the initial attacks went in search of safety. Others felt the need to discover a cure for this new plight that humanity faced. However, there were those who didn’t care for sanctuary or panacea, but something else entirely. Some of the world’s intellectual elite went in search of these “angels”. They’re descent onto earth happened only a month prior to the first report of the dead walking. A benevolent god wouldn’t send down angels’ just too damn humanity with a plague soon after. There had to be a connection between the two, and it is up to the fringes of humanity find out!

A word from the Author

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The Rotte...
by AdmiralSnackbar