Can a Devil Boy and...
By Bookworm-Chan432
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • angstwithhappyending
  • asta
  • astaxyuno
  • blackbulls
  • blackclover
  • noellesilva
  • possessiveyuno
  • postspadekingdomwar
  • yuno
  • yunoasu


As Asta patrols the vibrant capital city of the Clover Kingdom, he can't help but notice the passive-aggressive remarks and snide comments that the civilians throw his way. It seems like no matter how much he does to protect them, the people of the Clover Kingdom still treat him with disrespect. Even Noelle, whom he had fought alongside in the Spade Kingdom War, doesn't change her attitude. All of this has started to take a toll on Asta's self-esteem, and he finds himself wishing he could be someone else - maybe even his childhood friend Yuno, who seems to have everything going for him as a prince. But he soon learns to figure out that Yuno has plenty of problems too.

A Quick Arthor Note

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Can a Dev...
by Bookworm-Chan432