Two creatures, otherworldly, are transported to New York by unfamiliar circumstances, and Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo are taken into a brand new world. Leonardo paves a path that takes him to heights he had never imagine himself to be in. Raphael begins to understand that his hard outer shell doesn't have to be his inner one as well. (A/N: This is the first of 3 planned books, this books focuses more on Leonardo and Raphaels development, whereas book 2 will focus more on Donatello and Michelangelo. *Everything* is in the works lol, working title, working story line, but everything has been in my head for years and here I am finally putting "pen to paper"... or more "fingertips to keyboard". BASED ON THE TURTLES FROM THE MICHAEL BAY FILMS. Enjoy!)