Path of her Anguish
By _Soulful_writer
  • Romance
  • baby
  • betrayal
  • desi
  • desire
  • destiny
  • drama
  • greed
  • hate
  • heartbreak
  • hurt
  • hurtfulwords
  • india
  • indian
  • love
  • pain
  • pregnancy
  • redemption
  • regret
  • romance
  • secondchance
  • tears


"I will die Ekansh... Please, I dont know what i will do without you. Please forgive me." She begged trying to hold his hand but he jerked his hand away from her as if her touch burnt him. He laughed looking at her state and shook his head mocking her. "What another lie have you brought now? Come on.. start your performance. Let me see how much you have improved your skills." She bit her lips controlling her sobs listening to him fresh tears were flowing down merciless looking at the man infront of her who loved her to the moon and back and today hated her with same intensity. Reason? Her. She broke him with her own hands.. with all she had she broke him, betrayed him.Now god is punishing her for breaking him. She wiped her tears ignoring his harsh words. "Ekansh.. you cant do this with me, you loved me and I know you still love me. You are just blinded by your anger.. I have changed, I regret What I did. Please let me make everything right.. please forg-" She stopped and flinched when he smashed his hand on the table hard making her words die in her throat. He threw the things down in his rage and the glass pieces shattered on the floor some landing near her feet making her shudder seeing his anger towards her. "You digusting woman.. get lost of my sight before I kill you with my bare hands. Your trap will not work this time so dont waste your time.. go find some another bastard to fulfill your needs." If this words of his stabbed her heart then his next words buried her alive. "I have moved on from a disgusting girl like you and she.. hell she cant be even compared with a dirt like you. So dont dream. I am happy with my girl who is loyal and trustworthy unlike you... get lost." Before she could digest anything a girl came inside his study running calling his name. "Ansh what happened?-" He was right he has moved on from her. She closed her eyes not able to bear the sight infront of her and cursing her broken fate. ______________________


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Path of h...
by _Soulful_writer